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Welcome to Tutshill C of E School

 Our School Christian Vision:
‘Love One Another, Know Ourselves, Believe and Grow’

Our Christian Vision is rooted in 1John 4:7
‘Dear Friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God’.

From our vision, stem seven core Christian values, which we embed in the life of our school.

Love One Another
This encapsulates our ethos as a Christian school, where we all care for each other as a school community. The Christian Values of Forgiveness and Compassion reflect this part of our vision in a way that all stakeholders can relate to.

Know Ourselves
This part of our vision works on two important levels. In terms of knowing oneself, we aim that children become independent learners, setting goals and targets to improve their own knowledge and/or social skills. It is also essential for the school community to understand their own spiritual beliefs and respect the beliefs and feelings of others. The Christian Values of Respect and Responsibility underpin this.

Believe and Grow
The final aspect to our vision deals with the importance of the aspirations and self-esteem of our school community. We want our children to aim high and believe in their own ability. As teachers and stakeholders we endeavour to better our practice and give the children the best possible opportunities. Therefore, Creativity, Perseverance and Courage are the core Christian Values that we believe best represent ‘Believe and Grow’.
Our value of the term is Compassion.
'Clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience'. (Colossians 3.12)