We are recruiting for a Midday Supervisor - please see our Vacancies tab under 'About Us' for further information


At Tutshill C of E Primary School, we celebrate the individual and unique image of God that we are. We encourage children to explore and discover who they are and strive to be the best version of themselves.
This is embedded in our school vision:
 'Love One Another, Know Ourselves, Believe and Grow'.
Spirituality is an integral part of this and at Tutshill, spiritual development is intertwined throughout our curriculum and daily experiences. The school community have the shared language of 'Spirituali-tree' to take part in conversations about spiritual growth, experiences and development and these can be found in every classroom. Our use of OWs, WOWs and NOWs to reflect on personal, community and global issues support us in seeking answers, challenging children's thinking and growing spiritually.