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Our Mathematics Curriculum



At Tutshill C. of E. Primary School we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging Mathematics Curriculum for our children, underpinned by the objectives set out in the EYFS Framework and National Curriculum of 2014.

We do this by:

  • Following the WHITE ROSE MATHS CURRICULUM alongside POWER MATHS Practice Books.
  • Providing opportunities for FLUENCY, REASONING AND PROBLEM-SOLVING through WHITE ROSE and POWER MATHS.
  • Adopting the ‘Do it, Twist it, Solve it, Prove it’ approach. Linking this to our ABCDE model of learning which allows the children to understand how they learn and how to improve (metacognition).
  • Employing the 4Cs approach to problem-solving which also develops skills in metacognition by allowing children to plan and monitor their own learning.
  • Providing a Teaching for Mastery approach that is child-led without pre-conceived ideas of attainment and achievement to challenge all learners.
  • Delivering a curriculum that represents Mathematics through CONCRETE, PICTORIAL and ABSTRACT representations encouraging deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.
  • Emphasising the importance of ‘Number Talk’ – with a deliberate emphasis on key mathematical vocabulary to explain and reason.
  • Creating real-life contexts for our Mathematics learning which increases the children’s Global Awareness, understanding of the importance of maths within society and the wider world.
  • Using our core Christian Values and key learning behaviours to overcome challenges and work effectively.


We provide two Maths sessions daily which include a full Mathematics lesson and a Mini-Maths or Number Talk session.

Our Mini Maths Meetings focus on key skills and related vocabulary. This session may also be used to deepen understanding of concepts taught in Maths lessons and also address misconceptions. Number talk sessions focus on the use of key vocabulary to explain ideas/ methods/ reasoning.

Maths sessions include a balance of Fluency (Do it), Reasoning (Twist it) Problem-solving (Solve it). Children use key learning behaviours in order to: take risks by challenging themselves; problem-solve with curiosity; work co-operatively with learning buddies to share methods, ideas and approaches; use resilience and resourcefulness to overcome mistakes and misconceptions and use reflection and evaluation to celebrate and improve on their learning. These learning behaviours are underpinned by our Christian values of Respect, Responsibility, Creativity, Courage and Perseverance.

The use of concrete resources including Numicon, Base10 and place value counters and pictorial representations (paper-based and digital) are used to help learners understand the structure of the Maths they are learning.
The ‘4Cs approach’ encourages children to ‘Consider’, ‘Construct’, ‘Calculate’ then ‘Check’ when problem-solving. This helps to develop the link between pictorial and abstract and a deeper understanding of mathematical concept.

We use POWER MATHS Practice Books which are affiliated with the WHITE ROSE MATHEMATICS CURRICULUM .  In addition to this, jotters are used in order to provide opportunities for further support or challenge


Children are confident, engaged, challenged and enjoy their Mathematics learning  

Children use key mathematical vocabulary with confidence to explain ideas, methods and reasoning 

Attainment in Mathematics at the end of Key Stage One and Two is consistently above the national average.