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Guidance for Online Learning Meetings


Please adhere to the following rules when attending the virtual meeting. Failure to do so will result in the pupil not being invited to further meetings and a conversation with the parent/carer.

In order for us to ensure the meeting runs smoothly and the children also kept safe online, the following rules must apply. In joining the Teams meeting, you and your child are agreeing to the rules below.

Rules for video lessons/Teams meetings

  • The parent/carer must make sure their child and other members of the household are aware the video lessons are happening.
  • The children must be logged on through their parent/carer email.
  • Staff, children and other members of the household must wear appropriate clothing.
  • Devices should be used in appropriate areas, for example, not in bedrooms; and where possible be against a neutral background.
  • Language must be professional and appropriate, including any family members in the background.
  • The same expectations apply for remote teaching and conversations as normal school conduct.
  • Staff will only ever video call pupils with prior agreement with parents and the Executive Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.  This will always be at a pre-arranged time.  The times of all video calls and lessons will be published on Tapestry and the Class Story and logged.
  • Parents/carers will need to appear on screen at the start of the lesson to confirm they give consent for their child to be part of the group conversation.
  • If the lesson/meeting is for the child, the parent must be near the child when the meeting/lesson is taking place, in the same room.
  • If the teacher has any concerns about children (or other members of the household) using unsuitable language, dress, location, the conversation will be ended and concerns will be recorded and passed to the Executive Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher.
  • Live lessons will be kept to a reasonable length and will take place during normal lesson times.

The sessions will start a brief introduction of how to follow meeting etiquette and will include short lesson activities, PSHE or arithmetic are just examples and of course will vary for each year group.

This is the first time time we have used Teams in this way so please bear with us; there may be a few bumps to iron out along the way!