We are recruiting for a Midday Supervisor - please see our Vacancies tab under 'About Us' for further information


Parent Teachers’ Association (PTA)

All parents/carers and staff are automatically members of the school PTA.  The PTA was formed in 1982 and all members are warmly invited to regular meetings.  The PTA supports the school in many ways.   As well as raising valuable funds, the PTA provides a social focus for the school community.  Money has been raised for a variety of projects and the PTA also subsidises special events including visits to school by theatre groups and a wide range of extra-curricular providers. 

 There are annual events which have become a traditional part of the school year - a Christmas Fayre, Summer Fete, and quiz nights.  We are proud of the thriving partnership of staff, parents and governors.

Tutshill PTA Website