We are recruiting for a Midday Supervisor - please see our Vacancies tab under 'About Us' for further information

Courageous Advocacy

At Tutshill Church of England Primary School, we live out our School Vision:
 'Love One Another, Know Ourselves, Believe and Grow'
As God so loves us, so we love one another.
We care deeply about others and show COURAGEOUS ADVOCACY in the way we give our time to the community as well as raising money for those in need.
  • We encourage children to reflect on global issues as well as issues that affect them closer to home through our ‘Ows, Wows and Nows approach. This is further developed in the Picture News resources used across the whole school.  

  • The Eco-Council work proactively to challenge exploitation of the natural world. Their weekly news bulletins move beyond a sense of compassion to a concern for justice. Their action plan and initiatives undertaken are aspirational and inspiring.  

  • The School Council research charities and causes they feel strongly about and present this to the rest of the school. As a school, we then support both local and global charities led by our School Council. 

  • Our Deputy Headteacher has introduced Tutshill School to the work of Project Isizwe (a charity which aims to bring WIFI to children in remote African communities). Our Year 6 children have met with representatives from Project Isizwe and a link between our school and Kazamokuhle School in South Africa is now being developed.